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Awareness Course

Intensive meditation and workshop designed to heal, strengthen and revive physical and energetic levels.

Cost: $250.00
Deposit: $50.00
Duration: 4 weeks
Start date: (Contact us)


Course Description:

  • To understand the use of white light and colours, in combination with visual imagery, to learn to protect and heal one’s self and loved ones.

  • To understand each colour and how it connects to physical and emotional well being.

  • To gain a basic understanding of chakras and the effect that they can have on one’s physical and psychological anatomy.

  • To learn how to determine whether a chakra is under functioning as well as learning the principles of balancing chakras.

  • To understand aura’s, how to sense them, the colours associated with them, and their energy patterns in relation to healing.

  • To understand and participate in the practical application of energy work and healing.

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